
How much of reality is real?

It sounds absurd until one truly begins to think about it. How much of reality, I should say perception really, but how much of reality is real?

After boning up weekend after weekend on the works of Carl Jung regarding the phenomenon of "Synchronicity", and after being exposed to the rantings of a certain Mr. Terence McKenna to the point that it stirred my curiosity enough so that I was prompted to do some searching for Terence McKenna audio clips online in which his rants are regarding reality, truth, hallucinogenic experiences he has had by taking psychoactive drugs, mainly naturally grown mushrooms, and how he ties it all with the coincidences of synchronicity, it all began to make me question how much of that which I experience is real. Damn that was long sentence.

Some people claim that the synchroniities we experience, and I'm referring particularly to the 11:11 apparitions and other repeating numbers such as 111, 333, 555, 444, etc. are celestial messages brought to our attention by angels, messengers, etc. Yet there are many who also say that these srae the result of our constricted society. The way of living we have adopted has caused a serious collective neurosis in our population and thus we are experiencing neurotic/psychoactive experiences in mass, claim these 'experts'.

That these neurotic/psychotic episodes we are experiencing are the 11:11 hallucinations and the UFOs we 'think' we see are in reality nothing more than our societal/collective hallucinations is perhaps possible. After all, Carl Jung and others postulated the idea of the collective subconscious... why can't there be a collective conscious? If such a collective soncious exists, then it would explain the unsolvable mystery of the 10,000 monkey syndrome.

Here are somethings to read and ponder:


Jacques Vallee & synchronicity

Terence McKenna

Dr. Carl Jung


At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

los numeros en si no deberian de tomar el control de nuestras vidas son como te dire? algo natural algo sin razon al que la hunaidad le dio nombre es decir el viento, el agua, el sonido, eso tambien tiene sincronicidad o no?


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