
Hindsight and retro theory

Apparently the human body is not as resilient as I thought. This is my conclusion, as I think about the reasons why I got sick over the weekene. I have come to the conclusion that my getting sick is due to the stress I usually put my body through. Who knew, that eating poorly and sleeping between 3 to 5 hours per night, plus constantly putting the mind to work, problem solve and memorize, etc would have a negative effect on health. I can't believe I lost 10 lbs in 3 days. I should get sick more often. 10 lbs in 3 days, that's gotta be a new record. I'm recuperating from this horrible feverish cold, but not without the side effects- delirium. Why am I seeing so many grey aliens visit my bed upon waking up? I guess my fever must be that bad. Who knew the mind can be such a fragile thing.


I'm healthier than I thought

In my advanced physiology class today we checked our vital signs, metabolic rate, thyoid activity and pancreatic functioning. We checked our blood sugar and pulse, blood pressure and brething rate, BMI plus body fat %. It turns out I am way healthier than I thought. I thought I was in bad shape, but no, I'm actually quite normal. So I'm happy. Normal blood pressure, normal blood sugar, normal hear beat, normal everything.

Anywho, I'm noticing that more and more people are misuing language everyday. People say Koopons instead of Q-pons, they say woostisher instead of Worcestershire, they say Raa Dree Guess instead of Rodriguez, and many other idiotic mistaks you'd only expect a 4 yr old who doesn't know how to speak to make. Even in NPR they're starting to succumb to the dumbing down of society. This very morning as I was driving to school and listening to Morning Edition I heard them use cliche and moronic words and expressions like "guesstimate" and "found missing", "wooded area", and "baby's momma". So much redundancy and trite clicheeism only waters down word meaning. Now you can't just sympathize with somebody, it's not good enough you gotta EMPATHIZE, that's the new cool word these days. You can't just like something or find it pleasant or agreeable, you gotta love it... or if you don't love it you can't just be indifferent to it, you gotta hat it. Why is society implementing upon itself this limutation mentality of absolute and extreme dichotomies? Whatever happenned to nuance and degree to meaning? Hey it's 3:33 PM : )


Day of Realignment

Do you ever get one of those days that act as wakeup calls and getyou back in track? Today has been a productive day, informationwise. I finally remembered my pasword for this blog and so now I am able to post again, after a year of having lost my password. Perhaps it's all the coffeee I've been drinking lately. Maybe all the caffeine has fired up my neurons, I am constantly active, my mind is never sluggish... it's like I'm operating on a whole new level now.

Today also marks a very special day in my spiritual devlopment, I am finally able to direct my dreams. All my dreams now are lucid dreams, I am in charge and am directing what and how it happens. Being in control is nice... especially now that I am learning to tap into my subconsious while in dream state... and all thanks to the magic of DNA activation. One of the many benefits of activating one's dormant DNA. So with encouraging results I am renergized.


Sitting in a bench waiting for the bus.

I sometimes wonder wether the people going about their business on the streets could be time travelers. There'd be no way to tell since they would most likely attempt to blend in by wearing the fashionable garb appropriate to the times. If time travel ever becomes possible in the future at any one particular moment, then time no longer is a barrier unto them. We can't claim that time travelers can't come visit us because it's too soon, or it's not the right time, or whatever because immediately upon discovery and production of a feasible time travel machine then all time becomes a possibility for them. Our present becomes immediately riddles with possibility of a time traveler visiting our time. Why am I obsessed wit this? Well I think I just might have met a time traveler and it was such a bizarre, surreal experience that my brain can't let it go. It was an elderly white lady, yet she had no wrinkles, but you could tell she was old. She had silverish/brownish longish hair, and was wearing a green metallic tunic with very unusual patterns, nothing like we ever find in stores and they have never been fashionable that I know of so it must be hard to get one. She seemed extremely spiritually advanced, everything she spoke was very zen-like, very wise and was delivered in a relaxed, hypnotic, soothing tone. She seemed filled with scientific information which makes a lot of sense and is very logical yet I have not been able to verify because such things she spoke of have not been discovered by science yet. You don't know if the people you meet on the street are from this time or from another. At any rate, these are the people you meet as you are sitting in a bench waitingfor the bus.


How much of reality is real?

It sounds absurd until one truly begins to think about it. How much of reality, I should say perception really, but how much of reality is real?

After boning up weekend after weekend on the works of Carl Jung regarding the phenomenon of "Synchronicity", and after being exposed to the rantings of a certain Mr. Terence McKenna to the point that it stirred my curiosity enough so that I was prompted to do some searching for Terence McKenna audio clips online in which his rants are regarding reality, truth, hallucinogenic experiences he has had by taking psychoactive drugs, mainly naturally grown mushrooms, and how he ties it all with the coincidences of synchronicity, it all began to make me question how much of that which I experience is real. Damn that was long sentence.

Some people claim that the synchroniities we experience, and I'm referring particularly to the 11:11 apparitions and other repeating numbers such as 111, 333, 555, 444, etc. are celestial messages brought to our attention by angels, messengers, etc. Yet there are many who also say that these srae the result of our constricted society. The way of living we have adopted has caused a serious collective neurosis in our population and thus we are experiencing neurotic/psychoactive experiences in mass, claim these 'experts'.

That these neurotic/psychotic episodes we are experiencing are the 11:11 hallucinations and the UFOs we 'think' we see are in reality nothing more than our societal/collective hallucinations is perhaps possible. After all, Carl Jung and others postulated the idea of the collective subconscious... why can't there be a collective conscious? If such a collective soncious exists, then it would explain the unsolvable mystery of the 10,000 monkey syndrome.

Here are somethings to read and ponder:


Jacques Vallee & synchronicity

Terence McKenna

Dr. Carl Jung